Sep 18Liked by Michael Howard

to me you're doing a great job. what i won't like to see is a feature that is there only because you can put it there, i would like to see features that are practical. example: i don't like to see my activity from last week only because you can create a statistic but i would like to see how many people clicked on a photo rather than how many likes the photo collected.

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Yeah, I definitely think we'll expand post statistics and account stats in the future.

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Sep 18Liked by Michael Howard

make it simple and practical. instagram already exist (love it or hate it) so why create another? people would like to see an anti-instagram instead of another instagram even if at the start they will treat it as an instagram. hope i'm making sense and thanx for listening

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I'm so happy I supported Foto from the get go, but for a while I have gotten away from mobile apps. I'm a dedicated desktop user and look forward to that version's release. Congratulations on all the achievements over such a short span of time!

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Thanks Juliette

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11 hrs agoLiked by Michael Howard

Is there a way to see a summary of one's own "like" activity i.e. other users' photos that one has liked?

Keep up the great work: it's really appreciated and worthwhile! 👏

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Not yet. We have ideas around this, but they are more on the 2025 timeframe

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Thanks Michael. It would be a really useful feature to be able to return to, and remind oneself of, the photos one has previously admired.

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Sep 18Liked by Michael Howard

Love all of these 👏 Happy to have paid to support this app, as I agree is the future of photo sharing online.

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Thanks Brendan!

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Sep 18Liked by Michael Howard

It seems a great roadmap! You are building a solid foundation for the future.

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Thanks Rod!

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Congratulations on the app! I’ve been using it daily and really enjoying the experience so far my user is @vitor, btw).

One feature I believe would greatly enhance the user experience is the ability to reorganize images after posting, something that’s often lacking in platforms like Instagram and other visual-based social media. As someone who sees Foto as an excellent portfolio tool, being able to rearrange images would allow users to better curate their profiles, reflecting a more cohesive or updated visual narrative. This could be offered as a pro feature, perhaps with the option to reorganize a limited number of times per month.

The ability to drag and drop images on a profile page would give users more creative control, not just to fix specific posts but to curate their "wall" as a whole. This functionality would be particularly appealing to professionals like photographers, designers, and artists, who rely on a visually compelling feed to showcase their work in the best possible way. Allowing for this flexibility could be a great differentiator and attract more creative users to the platform.

Once again, congratulations so far!

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Thanks for the update!

Is there any chance of a fix to the bug that causes Foto to crash when you scroll far enough down a profile?

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Yes it’s on the list to fix. We just have been working on other things

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Hi! Just wondering - the reason Instagram works successfully (initially) as a photo based social media platform was that it didn’t market itself as an app just for “photographers” - hence there are a wide variety of people joining in, and these are the people who would typically purchase our prints or hire us. If you only market foto for photographers, who would buy our prints? Would another photographer buy another photographers’ work ? A photographer won’t hire another photographer for jobs. I think you have to think about marketing this not just FOR photographers. On my Instagram, I have more interior designers and actual art collectors who follow me and hence buy from me. The photographers who follow me is just there to keep an ‘eye’ out. I never had another photographer buy my work! I love the idea of foto is only a photo based app and no ads, but don’t miss the huge opportunity to include the rest of categories (normal people), as I think then this defeats the purpose of “promoting” your work on social media. Thanks for considering..

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Looking forward to the added discovery features and hoping some of them will be based on something else than tags :)

Also hoping that functionality for re-sharing other's posts won't be too far off in the future

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Here is something very tiny: can you add the ability to double-tap at the top of the display to snap up to the top of the feed? I typically go through my feed starting from the latest post and scrolling down until I catch up with where I was the last time I visited. It’d be nice to be able to rapidly get back to the top of the feed with that double-tap up top and I don’t think that’s been added yet. 😃

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You can click the home button and the search button in the bottom left to be taken back to the top

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Ah, thank you!! 😊😇

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Will you eventually add the facility to migrate photos over from other services such as FlickR or Google Photos? I would be keen to migrate to Pro if this a feature on the road map!

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Maybe eventually but that feels pretty far away right now

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...this would be the killer feature and the compelling reason to purchase foto pro. The price of FlickR Pro has increased exponentially over recent years (without a great deal in additional features) and I have been a paid up user since 2005!

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Maybe sharing photos via iOS share-sheet would be a convenient feature

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Yes, we have that on our list to add

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