Good points there. Still though, much of your guest’s comments pertain to the role of “photographer as artist” where success is defined as notoriety by a (mostly) online cognoscenti. We’re not all in that space and i suspect some don’t care to be. is “virality” still the curator? Or is this changing with the shift to other digital platforms? Anyway a thought-provoking piece, thanks!
Good points there. Still though, much of your guest’s comments pertain to the role of “photographer as artist” where success is defined as notoriety by a (mostly) online cognoscenti. We’re not all in that space and i suspect some don’t care to be. is “virality” still the curator? Or is this changing with the shift to other digital platforms? Anyway a thought-provoking piece, thanks!
Great insight into the future of photography. How refreshing to see photography as a vehicle for the message we want to put out into the world. 🙌🤩
Thanks for listening Rachel!