Hey Everyone!
It’s been a little over two months since we launched the Private Beta for Foto, so I figured it was time for another update of what we’ve been working on and what to look forward to over the next few months.
Our latest update for Foto introduced a new ‘Liked By’ Screen that allows you to see who has liked your posts and it shows you their three most recent posts.
The feedback for this new feature has been very positive, as it helps people discover new users to follow organically. It also encourages people to engage with other people’s posts to help find new connections.
Right now, we are working on improving the performance of Foto on a few different pages. Our top two performance priorities are the Home Feed and the Account Profile Page. Both pages take the longest load, so we are focusing on drastically improving how quickly they load for our next update.
Early 2024
We are hoping to open the final round of Private Beta in January or February, but before we do that we plan on accomplishing the following.
Improve the Speed and Performance of Foto (working on now)
Add a new discovery feature
Add a batch of smaller features
Fix a few bugs
Once the above list is finished, we’ll announce details for the last Private Beta round, which will be very similar to what we did last time.
We’ll ask for a one-time donation of $5 to become a permanent Beta User.
All the details will be posted here on our Substack and social media accounts.
This will be the last time we add Private Beta users. Our goal is to make Foto available for everyone sometime in 2024.
If you have friends interested in joining us for the final round of Private Beta, tell them to subscribe to us here on our Substack. This is the best place to keep updated with all the details of Foto.
I appreciate your support this past year. Seeing the Foto community expand has been incredible, and we expect big things in 2024. The past several months have been focused on laying our foundation, and 2024 will be about building the features that separate Foto from other options on the market.
We appreciate you!
Michael Howard
Founder and CEO of Foto
Appreciate the hard work, as mentioned above, great to see a fresh take on a photo app 🙌🏽
Keep up the great work you folks are doing, it’s very much appreciated.